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Requested :
Do I Increase My Search Engine Rankings? - honest tips culled
from the latest research into what works. The good news is that there's
a lot you can do on your own. The bad news is that it's a lot of work.
Search Engines Are Important? - It's not necessary to register
with every search engine out there. Here's a short and sweet list
of the important ones. I also include a link to a list of specialty
search engines as an additional resource.
information and Tips on Keeping Your Computer Running Smoothly
(101K PDF file): Includes details like don't download what
you don't recognize even from people you know (no doubt you already
know this!) and what to do if you have a virus. There's also a section
on keeping your computer running smoothly so it is more stable (defragging
your hard drive, running scandisk, and updating your OS). Includes
links to sites that have more information. Published in the Greater
Bowie Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, April 2004.