Keet Corner - parakeet & budgie pictures & info

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New budgie owner? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for information on caring for your new budgie.

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Since I am not a vet, I am partnering with a vet question referral service so you can get help when you need it. -Holly


Pictures of My Parakeet Flock

Click on pictures to enlarge.

parakeets sitting on their playpen
Mother hen and chick. The chick doesn't have an ounce of yellow in it's feathers. (yet!) It took a year, but much more yellow coloring did develop.

harlequin parakeet fluffing up
See how dad is fluffing up? Parakeets do this when they are relieving tension. Kindof like going "whew!" and wiping your brow with a sigh of relief!


my parakeet flock
All of our birds sitting on top of the play station I built on top of their cage.
rare green gold harlequin parakeet
Dad. What a beautiful parakeet he is! He is a 'rare green-gold Harlequin Parakeet' (at least that's what the pet store wrote on his birth certificate!).

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This site is dedicated to Dr. Piety, without whose kindness, wisdom, and sharing of knowledge this would not be possible. You are missed.
Holly Russo     ...when I am not playing with my keets, I design web pages.
Please note that I am not always able to respond to e-mail due to the large volume received, but I am happy to collect questions & suggestions to add to the FAQ page. Please check the FAQ first to see if your question has already been addressed before emailing. Thank you so much for stopping by!
I am not a vet; my only source of knowledge is my own experience.
For definitive advice, please consult with a veterinarian that specializes in birds.
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